Simplicity Plus Variety

“My philosophy? Simplicity plus variety.” – Hank Stram

I love the variety that life brings, but variety can easily overwhelm me. It’s that feeling that pushes me to create simple designs that can live in nearly any home, with nearly any family. The variety comes in colors, textures, and the occasional experiment.

When we work with artists and designers on projects that they have designed themselves, my view of simplicity kind of goes out the window since the main goal is to bring their vision to life.

But our line still consists of a variety of items. We make throw blankets, made of super soft extra-fine merino wool, viscose, and nylon. The viscose and nylon provide strength and durability and a soft hand feel. These added fibers also allow the finished product to be washed at home in your washing machine.

We also make scarves made from a blend of fibers: yak, extra-fine merino wool, silk, seaweed-based rayon, recycled polyesters, and many more.

Over the coming weeks we will dive a little deeper into each of our designs; inspirations, fibers, and how these items were designed to fill a hole found in our lives.

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